About Quetzalcoatl Relays

Quetzalcoatl relays runs upwards of 360 Tor exit relays, all running a reduced exit policy.

These are mostly served by Rdp.sh Hosting based in Germany who have a friendly Tor exit relay policy. The servers are hosted in Poland, the Netherlands and the USA.

We also have servers with other hosting companies, including Frantech and Netcup.

Why run so many Tor exit relays?

Well, if you, like me, are you fed up with gifting some of your hard earned cash on charities which spend too much on admin and staff costs before anything good happens with your money?

Know that if you run a relay of any kind you are directly helping the public who seek anonymity, privacy and want to keep away from the snoopers who will track all your web activities - and Tor is the answer.

I am just a regular joe, who likes tinkering with computers, who has the necessary skills to run a bunch of r elays.

I have been running tor exit relays of one kind or another for over eight years, and once I found nusenu's ansible_relayor software - I decided to create a few more.

One thing led to another, and several years down the road of Quetzalcoatl Relays beginnings back in 2020 we now route almost 8 percent of all exit traffic on the Tor network and manage over 360 tor exit relays.

As long as I can afford it, and it enables others to achieve anonymity and privacy, then I will continue and will grow the Quetzalcoatl family as more donations enable this expansion to occur.

Why the name Quetzalcoatl?

Quetzalcoatl is a mythic south American winged and feathered figure/god, and it seemed an appropriate name, for being free of tracking and snooping.

Thank you for visiting, and may you make much use of these relays.

Donations are welcome, and always needed, thank you.

Quetzalcoatl Relays.

Feel free to reach out and contact me at quetzalcoatl_relays@proton.me

Aztec Man - by Sammy

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  • Winged Serpent - by Sammy

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